Showing all 6 results

Adapter Straight Cone with Glass Key Stopcock

185 - Adapters Straight Cone With Glassley stopcock. With Drip Tip.

Adapters Receiver Straight Stem

170 - Adapters Receiver Straight stem.

Adapters Recovery Bend Vertical

178 - Adapters Recovery Bend Vertical With Drip Tip. Used in distillation assembly.

Adapters Splash Head Rotary Evaporator

203 - Adapters splash head rotary evaporator For use with rotary evaporators

Adapters Splash Head Rotary Evaporator Anti-Climb

203A - Adapters splash head, rotary evaporator anti-climb For use with rotary evaporators. Useful for liquids that have a tendency to foam.

Adapters Splash Heads Sloping

181 - Adapters Splash Heads Sloping With Drip Tip. Pear Shape.